
Showing posts from August, 2017

Episode 9: The Limit Definition of e [#MathChops]

The history of ‘e’ is a tangled one, one which would warrant an entire dedicated book to parse through mathematics to the original conception of the transcendental number. Even before e’s enigmatic beauty was fully unearthed, people using mathematics to solve real world problems encountered the number many times, and understood it enough to work it into their solutions. A good example of this is when e shows up in compound interest. Bankers found out that as the number of times one took annual compound interest grew to infinity, the rate of growth approached e! Watch the video to see two mathematical proofs of our statement, using two definitions of e.

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week: Drunkard's Walk [Probability]

Be sure to let us know how you solved this in the comments below or on social media! Solution below. Solution Video

Problem of the Week 8-29-17: Pool Table

Check out this Problem of the Week. Be sure to let us know how you solved it in the comments below or on social media! Solution below. Solution Video

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week: Finding a Perfect Square Solution [Algebra]

Be sure to let us know how you solved this in the comments below or on social media! Solution below. Solution Video

Back to School Math Courses Review Guide

 Oh no, back to school is right around the corner! We know it can be hard to jump straight back into Math classes during the first few days after a summer away. Lucky for you we have arranged some of of our Youtube channel videos into a helpful guide to make sure you are on your game in the first week of class. Check them out below! Trig Functions: If you're starting the year off with any Mathematics class it is a good idea to review the basics of Trigonometric functions. Trigonometry is used in higher level Mathematics classes as well as Physics courses. Unless you dream about the unit circle and trig identities, you are probably like us and have forgotten everything to do with sine, cosine and everything in between. Check out our playlist below. We cover an introduction to radians, inverse trig functions, a quick way to memorize the unit circle and much more! AP Calculus and Calculus I: Both AP Calculus in high school and Calculus I in college focus mostly on differentiation. Ru

Problem of the Week 8-21-17: Seven Pointed Star [Geometry]

Check out this Algebraic Problem of the Week. Be sure to let us know how you solved it in the comments below or on social media! Solution below. Solution Video

Episode 8: Infinite Primes [#MathChops]

Back in 300 BC, Euclid proved that there were an infinite number of primes. He used line segments to show that some line lengths could only be made up from single-unit line lengths and not lines with lengths of 2, 3, etc. These line lengths represented prime numbers. This proof has the same principle but is a little different than Euclid's and uses proof by contradiction. Take a look at this simple proof which shows that primes are infinite!

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week: Infinite Product of a Sequence [Convergence]

Be sure to let us know how you solved this in the comments below or on social media! Solution below. Solution Video

Problem of the Week 8-15-17 [Algebra]

Check out this Algebraic Problem of the Week. Be sure to let us know how you solved it in the comments below or on social media! Solution below. Solution Video

Advanced Knowledge Problem of the Week: Website Traffic as a Poisson Process [Stochastic Processes]

Be sure to let us know how you solved this in the comments below or on social media! Solution below. Solution Video

Problem of the Week 8-8-17 [Distance]

Check out this Problem of the Week. Be sure to let us know how you solved it in the comments below or on social media! Solution below. Solution Video

Episode 7: Gauss and Triangular Numbers [#MathChops]

The mythology behind this fairly simple proof is what makes it one of the most popular proofs in math classes across the world. The story follows a young Carl Friedrich Gauss, whose first grade teacher asked the class to add up the numbers 1 to 100 in order to pass a good amount of time. Before the teacher had time to start grading papers, Gauss handed in his assignment. Watch the video to find out Gauss’ observation that is now one of the most famous math proofs out there.